“Before Our Academy I was lost on where to start. I was Googling to find stuff and wasn’t sure if the program was actually going to do anything for me cause I’ve been part of other things that were BS. But the first meeting shared so much info that I kept coming back. I learned a lot about myself and what I want and also about the business world. I got knowledge on branding, compliance, and how to build a company with integrity. It’s easy to get lost without the guidance and it’s created railing bumpers, so when I was getting stuck or felt like I was hitting the gutter like when you go bowling, they’d help me bounce back. I had never seen a legal business and how it operated face-to-face. Our Academy did a great job to keep me focused and provided resources on what it looks like inside a business. I’m from Detroit and I’m blessed to now live part of the time in a safer area and got to travel a lot from when I played football, but every time I come back, even though I didn’t think it could get worse, it does. It’s like a zombie town and it reminds me why programs like this are important to let us know we can find ways to give back to our community and still have the motivation to do something about our situations.”
Tre Hobbs

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